The Process

As your Celebrant, my role is to ensure your ceremony is delivered in the best way possible.

So here‘s what’s next…


  1. You CONTACT me

    If I sound like the kind of gal for you, then complete the form below with your ceremony date, time and a little bit of information and I’ll come back to you with my availability and a quote for my services.


  2. We CHAT

    We can chat over FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, phone or face-to-face before you book me if you like and you can grill me with the tough questions.


  3. We CATCH UP

    We meet up and complete the Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) together. We’ll use this meeting to discuss your ceremony in greater detail. This is when our creative juices can get flowing to create something amazingly unique and different from what your guests have seen before. But, most of all – something that reflects the two of you as a couple. I will work on your ceremony from scratch and I’ll be in touch to assist with your vows (if needed) and will keep you updated on the process as we go.


  4. You get MARRIED!

    On the day, I will arrive well before the ceremony with my PA system, iPod and Bluetooth connection and paperwork. I’ll deliver an engaging ceremony based on the details we discuss together. We’ll sign some paperwork, I’ll pronounce you married and then issue you with a marriage certificate to pose for some awkward photos.


  5. The CARE keeps coming

    After the ceremony I will lodge all the legal stuff to BDM (Births, Deaths and Marriages) and guide you through the process to apply for your official marriage certificate.